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© 2023 Gotomarket-AI – GTC
General Terms and Conditions of Sale for GoToMarket-AI
Article 1: Scope
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereafter referred to as "Terms") apply to all transactions concluded through the websites of the GoToMarket-AI network (hereafter referred to as the "Company"). A "Customer" refers to any natural or legal person who places an order with the Company, confirmed through our secure payment platform, by check, or in cash.
Article 1 bis: Age Limitation
Age restrictions are in place: the Company only accepts Customers who are 16 years of age or older (for physical and digital products) and 18 years of age or older (for services such as coaching, workshops, seminars). We do our best to restrict access to our sites, products, and services to minors. Although the content of our products and services is not of a shocking nature, we prefer to address a mature audience capable of understanding the implications and responsibilities of the business world. Any newsletter subscriber who does not meet these criteria (over 16 years old) will be immediately removed from our database as soon as this fact is brought to our attention. Similarly, any customer who does not meet these criteria will be immediately refunded, and a return of the concerned product(s) will be required.
Article 2: Order
Any order placed on a site belonging to the GoToMarket-AI company implies full and unconditional acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale.
Article 3: Price
Prices are indicated in euros, all taxes included (at the French VAT rate of 20%), excluding shipping and processing fees for your order. The price of items may be changed at any time. However, the rate applied to an order will be the one announced at the time of the order.
Article 4: Payment
Payment is due immediately on the date of the order, including for pre-ordered products. You can pay by credit card. Cards issued by banks domiciled outside of France must be international credit cards (Mastercard or Visa). The Company does not accept American Express. Secure online payment by credit card is carried out via the Stripe company. The information transmitted is encrypted by software in the rules of the art and cannot be read during transport on the network. Any guarantee as to the security of this system is entirely the responsibility of the Stripe company and cannot be attributed to us.
Article 5: Protection of personal data
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access and rectification to the personal data concerning you. We declare all of our files to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties. By agreeing to these Terms, you acknowledge that you have read our data protection policy and consent to our collection and use of this data. You may unsubscribe from our services at any time.
Article 6: Applicable law
All the clauses contained in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, as well as all the purchase and sale transactions to which they refer, shall be subject to French law.
Article 7: Guarantee
We provide a guarantee for our GoToMarket-AI services, assuring that they are of satisfactory quality, suitable for their intended purpose, and accurately described. This guarantee applies specifically to any faults, errors, or irrelevant content related to the analysis or evaluation of your business idea. On the contrary, additional digital content, such as ebooks, training materials, etc., due to their inherent nature, is not subject to a satisfaction guarantee or refund policy. The payment processing fees from PayPal, Stripe, or other payment processors are non-refundable. If you have concerns about the service you have received from GoToMarket-AI, please contact us at hello[at]gotomarket-ai.com.
Article 8: Intellectual Property
All content provided on GoToMarket-AI websites, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, data compilations, and software, is the property of GoToMarket-AI or its content suppliers and is protected by international copyright laws. The compilation of all content on this site is the exclusive property of GoToMarket-AI, with copyright authorship for this collection by GoToMarket-AI, and protected by international copyright laws.
Article 9: Information about the company gotomarket-ai
The company GoToMarket-AI is represented by SANDY TANGUY and is a French company whose address is:
Head office: 10 rue de la poste - 97434 Saint Gilles les Bains - FRANCE
SIRET 902 576 859 00018